AGRANA is Proud Partner
With the entry date of March 1, 2021, we were pleased to welcome another new member: AGRANA Betteilgungs-AG!
In 2020, the Concordia Proud Partner Club was founded, and with the entry date of March 1, 2021, we were pleased to welcome another new member: AGRANA Betteilgungs-AG is now also one of our "proud partners", thus raising our long-standing cooperation to a new level.
This is because AGRANA has been supporting our work for a long time, making a strong case for children, young people and families in need. In Ploieşti, for example, AGRANA supports our vocational school, but donations in kind have also been provided time and again.
Proud partners are companies whose goals and values fit well with those of Concordia:
AGRANA orients its business ethics and sustainability focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as the fight against hunger or the commitment to education and human dignity. The Proud Partner Club thus provides a perfect basis for a mutually beneficial partnership between AGRANA and Concordia.