Access to clean drinking water
In the Republic of Moldova, around 40 % of Moldovans drink contaminated water because either drinking water supply networks are lacking or the pipes are dirty.
Water supply is key to health
Access to clean water - both drinking water and water for daily use for household and personal hygiene - is a crucial factor for health. The impact of viral diseases such as Covid-19 is much higher for people who do not have access to clean water. According to UNICEF, more than 1,000 children worldwide also die every day from diseases caused by dirty water, lack of sanitation and poor hygiene.
The effects of the climate crisis further promote water scarcity.
Climate crisis exacerbates the water situation
The Republic of Moldova is particularly affected. Moldova is one of the countries most affected by the climate crisis in Europe. The massive social and economic challenges make it particularly difficult for the country to adapt to climate change. Experts also predict more frequent and prolonged droughts, which will lead to a decline in available water resources in the Republic of Moldova by two thirds by the 2080s.
![[Translate to English:] Mann schöpft Wasser aus Brunnen](
Yet the situation in Moldova is already extremely precarious:
- Only one in three households in rural areas has access to a publicly managed drinking water supply.
- Only 48 % of people in rural areas have access to flush toilets.
- Almost half a million people rely on polluted wells in their daily lives.
- 54 % of drinking water samples do not meet international standards for drinking water quality.

Republic of Moldova even harsher than it already is.
![[Translate to English:] Mann schöpft Wasser aus Brunnen](
WaSH initiatives are successful
Reducing polluted water, expanding sanitation facilities and countering inadequate hygiene could prevent countless diseases and deaths.
So-called WaSH initiatives (water supply, sanitation and hygiene standards initiatives) also lead to improved nutrition, a reduction in maternal mortality and, when applied in schools, increased attendance by girls.
Investing in access to clean water thus offers benefits that go beyond the water and sanitation sector. In addition, the economic and environmental development of a country, and thus the people living there, also benefit from clean water and the learned use of it.
A water secure future for Moldova would mean that both urban and rural citizens could lead productive lives with reliable water supply and sanitation in a clean environment and be more resilient to floods, droughts and pollution.
CONCORDIA is part of the solution
For several years, CONCORDIA has been fighting against lack of access to clean water in Moldova with projects co-financed by the City of Vienna. Our aim is to improve the health of families in impoverished regions of the country by providing a secure water supply and adequate hygiene standards, as well as raising awareness. In particular, we improve the infrastructure in our social institutions, ensuring efficient use of water through treatment plants and the use of filters.
Concrete measures:
- Provision of sanitary and hygiene products such as soap, detergent, toilet paper and paper towels in CONCORDIA facilities.
- Improvement and maintenance of 20 wastewater treatment plants
- Ensuring access to water and washing facilities by purchasing water filters, cleaning wells, installing and providing washbasins, showers, washing machines and dryers.
- Raising awareness through own trainings for children, youth and parents to improve hygiene skills.
![[Translate to English:] Händewaschen](
![[Translate to English:] Bau einer Kläranlage in Moldau](