Your donation gives children in need a future

With your help, we take care of food, medicine, education and upbringing for Europe's poorest children.

Tip: Most supporters donate 60 franc. With this we can provide 2 children with warm meals for a month.

You are on the Donation page for Switzerland. Would you like to donate in Germany or Austria?

You prefer to donate directly? Here are our account details:
IBAN: CH36 0900 0000 1562 67856

Your donation is tax deductible.

Father Markus Inama
Father Markus Inama SJ Member of the board of Trustees
"We make sure that starving and neglected children can grow up in safe conditions. Let us ensure that together!"

Do you still have questions about your donation?

Call us:+41 41 760 00 32 or write to us: service(at)


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Your donation to Concordia is safe and targeted! Concordia Social Projects is strictly audited.
